The Reluctant Mother


The Reluctant Mother is a book of rage.

Rage at being alone in your pain, having your conflict belittled, and your struggles trivialised. It is the story of a young woman who seeks to find herself in a world that constantly tries to define her and who she should be. It is the memoir of an anti-mother. The woman who doesn’t fall in love with her baby at first sight but discovers love along the way.

This book is for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the idea of ideal motherhood. Be it a woman or a man, one way of confronting trauma is to know that you are not alone in it. To know that someone shares your story and understands your emotions and guilt that accompanies feeling anything other than ‘perfectly blissful’ about motherhood.

It is at once heartbreaking and poignant as it is hopeful and comforting. This is the story of one woman and yet the life of many. It reveals how tradition and modernity, faith and reason, pleasure and pain are all so intimately interwoven for women that their true sense of self is inevitably one of contradictions.

The book’s biggest strength lies in its rawness and honesty.

Nothing but the truth stands here.

(To purchase and read the book, click here)


The charming Aladdin’s cave of a bookstore: Faqirchand, Khan Market, New Delhi

The iconic: Bahrisons, Khan Market

Another iconic Delhi Bookstore: Midland bookshop

Full Circle, Cafe Turtle, Khan Market
Bahrsions, Ambience Mall